it's very strange for me to live in a place that is so focused on a car culture, especially after living in ny for 11 years (and i don't even drive!!). you have to have a car to get anywhere, especially where i am staying out in the 'burbs. i am so used to walking everywhere.... usually pushing a stroller, with a kid in it, and very likely two tons of bags/scooters/balls/snacks/groceries/etc. (usually the kid is only required to act a as a weight to balance the stroller so it doesn't tip). let's just say i never had to think too much about exercise because it was a necessity of life. things are sooo different here. anywhere you want to go you drive to and through (food, liqueur stores, banks, pharmacies, you name it). after about a month, i noticed a very real difference in my weight and energy level. so now i have to suddenly think about eating less and getting my body moving more.
i never thought i would miss the mile hike to the grocery store once i left brooklyn, but i do. sidney does also, because she occasionally pulls out the old stroller and just sits in it for a while. maybe i should load it down with rocks and go for a walk around the neighborhood. a sort of new york fitness regime. except there are no sidewalks around here. oh well.
the above picture is something i found in the driveway today. apparently the person wanted to pass out business cards, but not get out of their car to do it. so they simply put a rock in a bag along with the card and chucked it out the window. i'm glad i wasn't walking by at the time:)
bahaha... the rock fling still cracks me up!
hahahaha, silly 'burbs
i grew up in the burbs and never saw that! ahaha
hello...found your blog through fancypicnic :) Just wanted to say that I so agree with you living in the burbs and car culture. It's so wonderful to be able to walk to wherever you need to go. Bring back village living :D!! That's hilarious; the rock in the bag!!
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