
the other day i was out walking with the kids (we do that a lot these days, forever wandering) and my son suddenly turned to me and said "i wish we could all stay this same age forever... us kids and you and papa, and we could just stay together like this always." he said it with such absolute longing and honesty. it was a one of those moments you want to hold inside you forever and never forget. i want to memorize it and keep it with me throughout my life, to wear it like a locket next to my heart. i know that feeling and often i wish for it too... but they will continue to grow and change, as children do. honestly as sad as that makes me at times, i of course can't wait to see it. i want to know the people they will become because they are already so interesting and funny. even tessa already at nine months old. i love who they are and i will love who they become even more. my son's words are what i need though. they are a reminder of how fleeting it all really is. he can feel it now. at ten he can sense that cusp he is on and i'm glad he is trying to hold onto childhood a bit longer. although, a few minutes later he did say that maybe he would like to be thirteen at least, that way he could watch all those PG-13 movies we never let him see. oh, the future is always calling isn't it?

1 comment:

Elma said...

That is so super sweet!!!