gray mushroom and dreaming of fall...

today i am dreaming of fall... of walks through the woods... wearing a sweater. i am dreaming of hunting for mushrooms, a challenge to see how many different kinds i can find. i am dreaming of crunchy leaves, and just the smell of autumn in the air. it's definitely my favorite season by far. i know it is still a ways off here in the south... but i can dream. i can also sew some mushrooms! i made this one today with autumn in mind... or maybe the gray winter mornings ahead? oh, i love those too...


Lyn said...

lovely. very mushroomy and autumnal!

Cary said...

thanks lyn:)

Lovely World said...

Hi there. I've been admiring your animals, and then saw your mushroom today. I make some just like this! You can see them in my etsy shop. You are probably like me - always looking to figure out how to make something out of fabric and thread. X Maribeth