well, i know i don't have that many readers on my blog, but i do think all of you are great! i've decided to have a little giveaway. i'm offering one of my acorn and leaves ornament as a little thank you to my readers. all you have to do is leave a comment with your email. in your comment, if you could tell me what you usually do for halloween, that would be great! that's all, pretty easy right? i'll choose someone randomly next monday. these ornaments are really quite lovely, if i do say so myself. they would make a wonderful little display in your home for fall... they look nice hanging from a pumpkin, or door knob. they make a sweet gift, and would look lovely on a thanksgiving table. you can go check out the listing for them here, and tell me if you have a preference for color of ribbon or acorn (the different options are all shown there), or even if you'd like the edges embroidered. thanks and good luck!!
p.s.- it's open to everyone, no matter where you live:)
Your little acorn ornaments are so adorable! I really like the orange leaf. I'd like to enter the contest for sure!
For Hallowe'en I don't get any kids because I live in a basement apartment. So normally I'll have a few other apartment-dwelling friends over and we eat candy and watch scary movies. This year though, because it will be on a Friday we are going to a friend's costume party. I am going to be Alice from Alice in Wonderland.
My email is quietkatie@live.ca. (I hope I win!) Have a good day :)
Oh those leaf and acorn ornaments are just beautiful. I would absolutely love to have one to add to my nature table every autumn.
For Halloween we decorate the front yard with spooky decorations. Then we carve pumpkins and of course our entire family always dresses up in costumes. We all love dressing up. The week before Halloween I take out photos of loved ones that have died and we remember and honour them.
Halloween night I do tarot card readings for family and friends if they want it done. And later when the young ones are in bed we read scary stories.
The majority of the children's candy is set aside for the Sugar Sprite and the rest they get to keep.
Halloween is a big thing in our home, second to Christmas only.
We love to carve our pumpkins on Halloween and then roast the pumpkin seeds and then eat them all up! :) We read scary stories and eat too much candy.
I put handcarved pumpkins and also scarecrows in our yard and decorate the windows with decorations that my kids make. I have a big glass bowl that I keep filled with candy corn during the month of October. On Halloween night, before the kids go out trick or treating I take a few pictures of them in their costumes.
Great giveaway, thanks!
well, we go on a fall treausre hunt for horse chestnuts, pine cones, acorns and leaves. We collect everything in a basket and then decide what to do with our treasure. Last year we made some potpourri with the tiny pine cones, acorns and some essential oils.
My girls are still pretty little, so we wear our costumes around the house and giggle, we carve pumpkins and eat popcorn.
that's about it. (I LOVE your shop by the way, if we weren't so destructive I would have lots of your goodies by now. *sigh* maybe in a few years!)
blochparty (at) msn.comb
oops-not comb, just .com
I like the orange leaves as well. Those are way too adorable.
Our Halloween tradition is soup or chili at Grandma's and then off to trick treat before coming back for apple pie and ice cream with either hot cocoa or coffee.
angelleslament @ gmail.com
The leaf and acorn are so cute. Love your pumkins.:) We go to the pumkin patch and go on the hayride and decorate the front porch with only cute pumkins and sweet scarecrows nothing scary or creepy.We live out in the country so not much happens out here , nice and quiet. Have a great night. elma2179@yahoo.com
What do I usually so? I attend a local halloween parade where *everyone* participates ... I hand out chocolate to the wee ones of my neighborhood ... I carve a pumpkin ... I have a mute dinner ... I bury an apple ... I honor the ancestors ... and commune with them ... and we all celebrate my birthday together!
BTW - your piece is just lovely!
We aren't decorating this year because we don't even have money to buy a pumpkin! My hubby offered to steal one out of someone's yard, and I told him I'd prefer he didn't! WE will be wealthy someday ,and then I shall have abundant Halloween decorations!
we spend the evening handing out candy at the house where I grew up because my sister bought it from our parents. i love seeing the children of the people i grew up with having so much fun and reminiscing about our childhoods.
i love the leaf set i bought from you cary, but i'd be thrilled to win another :)
I read you blog and I am sure lots of others do too. Maybe they just need to delurk:) come out and play you know and make a comment. I really love number 20! they are all beautiful you a very talented artist.
I Adore your work and happy to discover your lovely and thoughtful blog today.
On Halloween (in my opinion THE BEST holiday on the calendar)we like to walk through the village where I grew up and relive some vibrant memories...kids laughing and yelling in the dark from all directions, the crunch of leaves under our feet, the aroma of toasting jack-o-lanterns. Also, I always carve my pumpkins and set up for the treaters on my road, but we never get any :( Too far in the woods, I suppose!
Oh wow! just popped in at the right time!
i love those ornaments.
My kids and I don't do much for Halloween since it's not something I grew up with (being from New Zealand).
However my older son LOVES Halloween so he decorates his room and we have a party at home for the family with "fun for 6 year olds" games.
I'm in... cute ornaments!
I'm a little obsessive about pumpkin carving so that'll be fun if I can get the kids to get into it. We'll do the regular thing, dress up and trick-or-treat but this year I'm going to try the rotten tooth fairy thing I read about from other natty kids team members.
That is gorgeous. I just love your work - I added you to my 'favourites' on Etsy. I like the red or brown acorn and a brown ribbon, though they are all pretty. Thanks for the contest!
Oops, I forgot to put what I do for Hallowe'en. So please consider this comment 16.5 :)
We usually hand out candy to the trick or treaters. For years we have kept track of how many of each costume we get and it's fun to watch the trends. Last year we had 46 pirates! I wonder what the top costume will be this year.
afternoon! i just stumbled upon your giveaway and i'm honoured to enter!
for Halloween we'll be parading and trikker treatin' in costumes galore.
lovely stuff here as usual!
p.s. we're having a giveaway contest right now too ;)
uups, soulyluna@gmail.com
Hi Cary- oh these are sooo lovely! We trick or treat the old fashion way in our neighborhood- drink apple cider- put the kiddos to bed with candy still on their cheeks and curls up with a scary movie- my favorite- The Changling with George C Scott!
You are very sweet to do this.
Hi Little Love Blue!
For Halloween we don't really have a routine, but this year my husband and I went to a pumpkin patch and our first corn maze which we thought would be amusingly easy but it was really mind-boggling. I want to be the female star from Hitchcock's Birds for Halloween and Joseph is going to be Thor.
Your plushies are extraordinarily lovely.
So happy to be reminded how much I love your shop on etsy by seeing you on flickr. Your blog is so sweet and lovely as well! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
I absolutely love your work, your little animals are the sweetest things! I have to admire the attention to detail on such small objects, I don't know if I'd have the patience for it (although I wish I did, they're so lovely).
New to Etsy and thrilled to see some amazing things! I'm going to add you to my blog watch, so I can come and gaze wistfully at all your beautiful work. baddayben (at) gmail (dot) com, or my blog at baddayben (dot) blogspot (dot) com.
Love these little ornaments!
For Halloween, I love to stay home and hand out candy these days -- our neighbors have a haunted house for kids, so I get to be the next house they go to, to be safe from the scariness!
This year the trick or treaters will come around on Thursday - which is when I babysit my nine month old nephew so we will pass out candy together. I cannot wait to see his face as little children dressed up come to the door to trick or treat!
Thanks for sharing!
Ooh - am I too late?! i have to have a go - I love your work!
Well, I'll tell you anyway!
We usually make some decorations from salt dough, and spend some time painting them...then they get hung on the twigs over our fireplace. We get a selection of pumpkins and each draw a face, and other half and I have a good carve..we love sitting in the dark with the lantern lights!!
that's us - nothing unusual, but we love it! The children are so excited already!
Oh my goodness, you're killing me with this!! I've been saving up for my very own littleloveblue creation :)
Let's see, I don't think we have a "usually do" for halloween. Last year we spent it in a wonderful little cabin in Woodstock, NY listening to the waterfall over the crackling of the fireplace. This year we have tickets to see Ryan Adams at the Apollo! WOo HOo!
What will you be doing??
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