scenes from the week...

1. so much work to to finish before i can actually work on my office itself
2. french toast et asterix, for breakfast
3. and 4. scrabble is mosre of a cooperative game at this point but fun
5. sleep is so rare these days
6. this face in the morning makes everything worth it
7. sisters in the tub, a washcloth beard is always fun

well this week was kind of a doozy and i can't say i'm sorry to see it go. it started off with a not too pleasant trip to the dentist and didn't really go up from there. little sleep and little patience leave me looking forward to trying again next week. hopefully the weekend will be what i need to start anew. hopefully. next week it will just be me and those two cute girls above. jack henry is going camping with just papa... they are going to the beach. i'm a little jealous but maybe i can find a way to make the week extra special for us too.

have a lovely weekend my friends. xoxo

1 comment:

Lyn said...

You seem to be a busy bee at the moment! X