oh baby...

this week seemed to be all about a rapidly changing baby. you can see the changes daily. she loves to sit and play with her toys. she is thinking about crawling... scooting around on her belly and bum, getting up on hands and knees, rocking back and forth with some sort of internal drive telling her to "go, go, go"! she also babbles constantly and started saying a few words consistently, especially "hi", which was her sister's first word too. she says hi to everyone and often accompanies it with a wave and of course a huge smile to let you know how glad she is to see you, even if it has only been a few minutes. she is eating solid foods.. sweet potato, avocado, and banana so far. she seems to enjoy it but not as much as nursing. her top teeth are trying to come in, which means very little napping is going on or really much of anything getting done. i look at her face and try to see the future that resides there. it is easy to see it looking back but such a mystery trying to imagine her future. so many changes will come so soon.

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